Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quick Post #3

I really am planning to post a nice meaty rundown here soon, I promise. For those of you who read and were concerned about my hand, good news! It was just a tumor and it was benign. My stitches came out a week ago and it looks pretty good, they might not even be a big scar.... so much for me trying to claim I got it in a knife fight. Now it just looks like I might've got jabbed with a letter opener..... lame.

Also, congrats to my incredibly hardcore father who ran a 4:04 marathon. I'm proud of you!!!


Pastor Bob said...

Hi Shad,
Glad to hear your hand is ok. We were remembering you in our prayers last night here at the Church. We had the Sunday Picnic last Sunday and it was a perfect day. The sprayers got rid of the misquitoes and everyone had a pretty good time. Rich Hall got carried away and put together a log rolling contest, complete with swamp water. Very interesting.

We are ready to start our new Saturday night services in Ogilvie at the High Scool this Saturday night. It sounds like people are excited about it. We will see how that plays out. So there is a lot happening around here too. Stay well!

Pastor Bob

jn110 said...

well, atleast a letter opener is sort of like a knife...anyway how did that test of yours go you talked about? tell us if you passed!