Monday, May 5, 2008

Children's Day

Let me first apologize for the gap between my posts, It's been busy, although there isn't much to post. I had originally meant to post earlier in the week with pictures of my classes, but that fell through when my camera refused to work. But enough of that. Today's post will go in reverse chronological order (sort of).... yay!

Today was a national holiday in Korea, namely Children's Day. Basically think Mother's or Fathers day, but for kids. Yeah.... At any rate what it meant for me was I had the day off. Mmmmm yeah 3 day weekend. I spent much of it loafing around as I'm waiting for payday on Wednesday. I did however take part in some gaming on Camp Casey (which meant I got to eat on base)

Friday, being as it was Children's Day weekend, we had a party for the kids at school, which meant I had to be at school for first period...... Thus I decided to go to Kumdo that night, but we'll come back to that. My assignment for the day was Arts and Crafts, which despite my lack of a artistic ability went fantastic. Basically what it entailed was from 9:40 to 2:45 (minus 45 minutes for lunch) I was making Parent's Day cards with origami carnations. The kids had fun at any rate...

After I was done for the day I went to the 8:30 pm Kumdo class, where it turns out I'm like a minor celebrity. Despite never having met any of the students there, they all new my name and a good deal about me. Apparently the master told them about me (which is weird because the asst. master teaches the morning class). Anyways class went well, save for the fact it was very hot and I was dripping with sweat at the end.

Monday, I went in for my 2nd Crohn's appt. I had to have blood work done. It came back normal. As I'm coming up on the one year anniversary of diagnosis and my graduation I realize this last year could have gone much worse and that I am truly blessed, especially when I consider a teacher I knew here in town who had Crohn's got careless and had to go in for emergency surgery and had to be set back to the U.S. It was a good object lesson for me, but I digress. The appointment went well, but since it's been nearly a year since my last procedure involving a flexible camera taking images of my insides, I get tho schedule one for my summer break. Yay! (please insert sarcasm here) Oh well, I realize it's necessary and all, and at least it is n't my favorite thing in the world, the barium follow through x-ray.

At any rate, I get another wonderful three day weekend this next week as it's Buddha's Birthday (which is also apparently another national holiday). I promise that I will make another post (more substantial than tis one as well) then. For now take care. Shad


jn110 said...

Dang, wish we had this many national holidays, not that Dordt would give us time off even if we did...i mean hey, this is the first year we've even gotten a real easter break, and that was just because spring break was over easter...

jn110 said...

oh yeah, forgot to tell ya, we had 3, count them, 1, 2, 3 tornadoes last thrusday, never heard the sirens and no one told us anything until i saw it go by my window on the far side of town...that was cool.

Shad VP said...

Wow, why am I not surprised on either count. The only weather I've had to contend with is 80% humidity with it being like 85 out... good thing I have AC at my appt!

AmyP said...

Hey Shad! Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself over there. Sounds like you are experiencing some pretty cool things. A couple posts ago you wanted to know if anyone was reading your blogs, so I thought I'd comment and let you know that I do read them. It's cool to read about the different things you are doing and to see photos. Do you have/use MSN messenger at all?

Glad to hear the doctor appointments are going fine too.

- Amy

Shad VP said...

As a matter of fact I do have MSN, my addy is

I will also be making a super bonus post on Friday (my Friday) as I just cut my hair, and I love it!

Pastor Bob said...

It must be nice to a celebrity already. But what happens when they get to know you! We have not been doing any sweating here in MN. It remains cool and wet, but actually not too bad for old fat guys! Blessings!

Pastor Bob