Friday, February 22, 2008

Farewelll Simpletons!!!!

Well here I am on the departure, and I am actually really calm. Prior to departing to the Netherlands I was actually pretty nervous, now, not so much. I am not, however, looking forward to spending fifteen hours in the air, the time difference or my arrival time. Since none of those are actually up to me, I'll just have to make the best of it. For those who are curious about airline food I'll provide the links here to the menus for my in flight meals, which actually look pretty good.

The menu for my first leg from Minneapolis to Tokyo is:,MSP-NRT,KIX,NGO_WBC_WB_1(1)08.pdf

And the menu for the flight from Tokyo to Seoul is:

I think I'll be avoiding the monk fish and spicy chicken curry...... oh, you can thank my less than brilliant best friend Josh for the title of my second installment of what I hope will be a weekly ordeals, I mean weekly installments. However, I will do my best to make a few extra posts over the next week or so to let everyone know how I'm settling in.



vpfamily said...

Looking foward to your next posting and hearing that you arrived safely.

Proverbial Verbosity said...

oh shad
farewell and blessings!