Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quick Post #3

I really am planning to post a nice meaty rundown here soon, I promise. For those of you who read and were concerned about my hand, good news! It was just a tumor and it was benign. My stitches came out a week ago and it looks pretty good, they might not even be a big scar.... so much for me trying to claim I got it in a knife fight. Now it just looks like I might've got jabbed with a letter opener..... lame.

Also, congrats to my incredibly hardcore father who ran a 4:04 marathon. I'm proud of you!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Raging Storm

Ok I really like coming up with slightly corny titles for my posts. This one fits I feel. So I was on my way to my Kumdo test after I had finished work yesterday when I could feel it was going to storm, I just hoped it waited till after I got on the bus. By the time I reached the bus stop, the sky was black and it was starting to rain. I sought shelter in the entry way of a building having left my umbrella at home. Good thing I did because it started to absolutely pour. That wouldn't have really been so bad, but then it started to hail. In the twenty minutes it hailed, we got up to quarter-sized hail. Yuck....

By the time I got to the gym, I felt the same way, nervous and excited, a raging storm of feelings. Not good really as you are supposed to be relaxed, calm and smooth. I think my test went ok, but who knows, I'm sure I'll find out soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Next Level

This is gonna be a short post. That said, I'll be posting tomorrow night. For those of you who don't know, I had surgery on my hand last week to remove a bump between my thumb and index finger. I still have no clue as to what it was (before the surgery the doctor had no clue to what it was, thus it's currently at the lab, results on that next Tuesday). Thus I have three stitches and was told not to go to Kumdo at all for the next two weeks, which I have chose to ignore as it is healing fine (the doctor said so, even though I went to practice). Which leads me to my posts title. I have a test tomorrow!!!!!! It's basically the test to see if I'm ready to wear the armor, the equivalent of just over half way to a black belt in other martial arts. So , even though my had has stiches and my foot is still covered in blisters, I am soooooo psyched.

More tomorrow.