Well, I had a eventful weekend, more or less. On Friday morning I woke up completely sick, I couldn't hear out of my left ear, had a headache, was nauseous, got very little sleep and generally felt like I had a huge sinuous infection. So I went to St. Mary's Hospital (the biggest in the city) where they have English speaking staff. Turns out I was wrong, I had a sinuous AND ear infection. Yeah... so they loaded me up with antibiotics and set me on my way. Thus I slept throughout a good part of Friday and Saturday. Sunday I was feeling well enough to attempt to find the only English speaking church I've heard about so far in the city. So I hopped a cab and went to the gates of Camp Red Cloud, one of the many U.S. bases and sure enough, the church was just across the street, and thus I was able to enjoy a lovely Easter service. Afterwards, the pastor, his family and a few others convinced me to go eat on base with them. We ended up eating at the Commanding General's mess, which was very much like a supper club (well, at least I think so, I've never really been to a supper club before). But the food was good and afterwards I caught the train back to my side of town and spent the rest of the day vegetating.
As for today (Monday) I have successfully made the call and faxed the info to get internet. DSL, here I come!!!! With any luck I'll have it hooked up by Friday, maybe even Thursday.... should also have a bank account tomorrow. I'm still deciding if I want to get a cell phone, the rates they charge foreigners are bad I here, but I'll decide on that after I get paid. I also heard some good news on the martial arts front, as a school willing to teach me Kumdo (the Korean version of Kendo) has been found. That also will be something I start after my first payday.
I'd also like to take a moment to say "hi" to my home church of Lewis Lake back in the States. Hope you all are well.
Anyhow, on to the pictures. The first few will be pictures of my apartment. The rest will be pictures and the video I promised from Seoul. Enjoy!
Note: it seems the video will take some time, maybe later